Bunga Rampai Restaurant In Cikini, Where Your Extravagant Experience Is Beautifully Spent

Thursday, 28 November 2019 | 13:02 WIB
  • Bunga Rampai Restaurant in Cikini Is Jokowi Approved, Every Money Spend on Is Worth It!
    Bunga Rampai Restaurant in Cikini Is Jokowi Approved, Every Money Spend on Is Worth It!

    Bunga Rampai has a small doors which passers-by always look into
    Bunga Rampai has a small doors which passers-by always look into

    Bunga Rampai is designed with luxurious entry with small doors and windows so that passers-by could only see a glimpse of activity inside.

    But enough to make them intrigued. At least people will acknowledge that it is a fancy restaurant from outside only.

    The ultra-luxury design extends to first and second floors enforcing "more is more" concept, looking like a dining hall from children's fairytale book. The walls are draped in white to gold scheme, and each dining room is with its own intricate design. Between displays there are a plothera of typical neoclassical ornaments: a couple of victorian chandeliers; pretty flower arrangements as centrepiece; and colonial-artsy wall mirrors.

    Bunga Rampai's neoclassical-minimalist design gives me an impression of a dining table where Queen Elizabeth II having a tea at.
    Bunga Rampai's neoclassical-minimalist design gives me an impression of a dining table where Queen Elizabeth II having a tea at.

    As a result, its pretentious design would makes some people overwhelmed, including myself. 

    But worry not, Bunga Rampai also facilitates vibrant young adult guests by providing casual-vibrant rooftop bar. Don't expect it to give a spectacular 360-degree panoramic view of the city because it won't happen. Bunga Rampai's rooftop bar is on third floor. It doesn't give much view except busy gridlock of Teuku Cik Ditiro Street. 

    Sera B
    David Togatorop


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