- As millenial starting to join workforce, the diversity among workers increases significantly. This even expands to how people perceive the condition of successfulness. Some think being successful is living properous lives, having accelerating careers, or having a balanced personal life. But there is one thing people recently agree with: success depends on mood.
According nutritionist Ayunova, physical and mental health is seamless. The concept of well-beingness develops from "30:70 principle": 30 persent is external factor encompassing activities and relationships; the rest 70 percent is about diet. But diet is still generic, and has lots to explain. But one thing every nutrionist agrees with is that healthy diet is consisted of 4 pillars: right source, right portion, right method, and right time.
Good food brings good mood. Healthy food, which fulfill those 4 pillars, is scientificlly proven to boost endorphine, an important enzyme in our body working as a "moodbooster". However, people are not aware that moodbooster is not the only function of endorphine. It also work as an anti-aging.