Healthy and Hassle-Free, 4 Food Trends You Will See Everywhere in 2020, According to Food Experts

Wednesday, 8 January 2020 | 14:07 WIB
  • (On picture: hamburger noodles) 2019 saw so many food that combines western and traditional influences.  It is called fusion food, and it predicted to trend in 2020.
    (On picture: hamburger noodles) 2019 saw so many food that combines western and traditional influences. It is called fusion food, and it predicted to trend in 2020.

    Here are all the five food trends you are going to see anywhere in 2020, according to professional chefs and food experts Kitchenesia have interviewed. - Besides wishes and resolutions, 2020's trendy food also becomes a topic everyone's fussing about. Trendy food in Indonesia, however, doesn't change much like in western countries. 

    Perhaps some people might think food trend is trivial thing to discuss. But for foodpreneur, restaurateur, and food company, food trend is really important for understanding customer preference, choosing new ingredients, and even arranging new marketing strategy. 

    Kitchenesia curates 4 important food trends that are projected to rise in 2020. Here we run through healthy a mouth-watering array of vegetarian-friendly foods to yoghurt with sticky rice combination in it. 

    1. Healthy food on the rise

    Gone are the days when healthy food is consumed by wellness-enthusiast only. In an era when pollution and climate are getting worse, people are getting more health-conscious than before. Thus, healthy food & beverages grow in popularity.

    Healthy food is no longer confined to raw fish or bitter vegetables only. Instead, people have greater expectations to their foods than before. 

    "More food products provide more specific options. There will be a lot of gluten-free, non-cholestherol, or vegan-friendly food choices in restaurants or supermarket," said Chef Yuda Bustara on a press conference on October 14, 2019.

    Steak Tempe, a fermented soybean cook in beef-steak style, is a healthy yet tasty food for vegetarian. Similar foods are predicted to get popular in 2020.
    Steak Tempe, a fermented soybean cook in beef-steak style, is a healthy yet tasty food for vegetarian. Similar foods are predicted to get popular in 2020.

    Emerging topic in healthy food scene is how to make them delicious. One of the most prevailing ways is to serve healthy foods. 

    In 2020, we might see some beef transformed into plant-based, like steak tempe (fermented soybean cook in beef-steak style). 

    "In 2020, we will see many artisanal creations of healthy foods. I've seen ice cream yoghurt are getting popular at the end of 2019. I expect for similar food to join the bandwagon in 2020," said Windy Iwandy, a content creator behind @foodirectory on Instagram and Youtube. 

    2. Less time, more convenience 

    People in big cities are even expecting more. They demand their foods to be handy and less time-consuming for they don't have much time to cook.

    This demand has shaped next year's food business to be faster and practical. Thus new business model named cloud kitchen will be on the highlight of 2020's food trend. This coming-of-age system works pretty simple: customer orders it via online or phone, then the food arrives by delivery. 

    It seemingly works similar to delivery system of fast food restaurant, but cloud kitchen doesn't offer dine-in service. This system definitely is a win-win system for both parties. The restaurant owner benefits from its low operational cost, and customer benefits from its hassle-free system. 

    A perennial favorite among commuting Jakartans, Nasi Uduk used to be a breakfast delight for years. But now, it becomes an all-day meal.
    A perennial favorite among commuting Jakartans, Nasi Uduk used to be a breakfast delight for years. But now, it becomes an all-day meal.

    Rex Marindo, CRP Group's founder, predicted cloud kitchen are getting popular in 2020. "With technology, everything seems to be possible. Culinary business used to be capital-intensive and expensive to build up."

    "But with cloud kitchen, even a novice with very low capital can profit billlions," said the restaurateur behind Bakso Boedjangan. 

    Certainly, this model business affects popular food in 2020. Easy-to-deliver meals and fulfilling meals are projected to rise, like ayam geprek (battered fried chicken with sambal) and nasi uduk (steamed rice cooked in coconut milk with side dishes). 

    3. Indonesian dessert escalates

    Indonesia surely has an extensive list of mouth-watering desserts. Unfortunately, traditional dessert doesn't seem to be as appreciated as main courses like soto or rendang for the people don't recognize three-course meal in their daily food.

    In Indonesia, dessert is considered as light bites, making it only eaten at spare times only. Some cultures within the country even cook traditional dessert at special occasion only. 

    Contrary to popular practice, more local food vendors embrace traditional dessert. Chef Arnold Poernomo, a restaurateur and celebrity chef from Surabaya, predicted that Indonesian dessert will reach its momentum in 2020. 

    Cendol (silky green rice-flour jelly served in coconut milk and palm sugar) is mostly eaten in Ramadhan month, only. But due to demands, cendol is sold and eaten throughout the year.
    Cendol (silky green rice-flour jelly served in coconut milk and palm sugar) is mostly eaten in Ramadhan month, only. But due to demands, cendol is sold and eaten throughout the year.

    "I have seen more local food vendors sell local sweet treats like klepon (little green balls of rice flour filled with palm sugar) and es cendol (silky green rice-flour jelly served in coconut milk and palm sugar)," said the judge of Masterchef Indonesia on December 15. 

    "But these traditional desserts are rebranded into more offbeat and youthful, with playful packaging and social media marketing," added the 31-year chef. 

    4. East meet west

    New restaurants had mushroomed in big cities during 2019, and many of them offering food and beverages from overseas. However, these entire foreign food invasions didn't make traditional foods flich a little bit. 

    Instead of venturing out against foreign food wave, chefs and food vendors were rather fusing the "foreign influence" to their Indonesian foods. Some of them made it to viral on internet for they were brilliant or peculiar. 

    Even though fusion foods have been going for awhile, this year's fusion foods will be wilder than the preceeding years. 

    Kelpon cake is one of the most popular fusion food these days. It combines the taste of klepon and the texture of cake.
    Kelpon cake is one of the most popular fusion food these days. It combines the taste of klepon and the texture of cake.

    Windy Iwandy believed fusion foods in 2020 will happen a lot on dessert. The 25-year-old content creator considers combination of healthy dish like yoghurt and sticky rice will be popular in 2020. She admited to have tried such food. 

    "It is yoghurt combined with ketan (sticky rice) and fruits. I believe it is going to trend soon because it delivers both local and western tastes equally," said the creator behind @foodirectory on Instagram. 

    Sera B
    David Togatorop


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