Windy Iwandy, the Food Blogger Behind @foodirectory Spills Her Secret to Stay in Shape and Travel to Empower

Tuesday, 31 December 2019 | 14:37 WIB
  • Windy Iwandy, the Food Blogger Behind @fooddirectory Spills Her Secret to Staying in Shape and Message of women empowerement.
    Windy Iwandy, the Food Blogger Behind @fooddirectory Spills Her Secret to Staying in Shape and Message of women empowerement.

    Kitchenesia met Windy Iwandy, food and travel blogger under the moniker of @foodirectory. She spoke of tips to staying in shape while eating heavy and her message of women empowerment.

    An Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw once said, "There is no sincere love than the love of food."

    This maxim seems applicable utmostly to 25-year-old Windy Ivandy, a food and travel blogger under the moniker of @foodirectory on Instagram and blogspot. The Jakarta-based food reviewer and blogger started blogging food as a hobby, and also as coping mechanism to fight stress during final test in college.

    "In 2015, foodirectory rose so fast. You know, it is because foods connect people," said Windy after Mondelez Press Conference at Kembang Goela restaurant, South Jakarta. "I am always grateful for my followers trusting my reviews."

    (left to right) Food influencer Windy Iwandy, Mondelez Indonesia CEO Sachin Prasad, and sociologist DR.Dra. Erna Ermawati Chotim, M.Si, at Mondelez International press conference
    (left to right) Food influencer Windy Iwandy, Mondelez Indonesia CEO Sachin Prasad, and sociologist DR.Dra. Erna Ermawati Chotim, M.Si, at Mondelez International press conference

    Read More: From Dishwasher To Restaurateur, Chef Arnold Poernomo Reveals His Secrets for Successful Restaurants!

    In less than 4 years, Windy acquires more than 63,000 followers on instagram, and loyal 12,000 subscribers on youtube. For a person who started a career from scratch, this is definitely a big achievement.

    During 4 years gastronomical adventures, Windy definitely has many experiences to share. But she holds two principles that apply in all of her reviews: don't review dishonestly and don't discriminate.

    From food made by three-Michelin chefs to street vendors, she reviews any food she thinks interesting. Incidentally, she also makes those foods viral. 

    Sera B
    David Togatorop


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