5 Local Street Foods and Beverages that Shocked Indonesia in 2019: Some Survive, Some Gone Too Soon

Friday, 3 January 2020 | 10:03 WIB
  • Ayam geprek is one of the trendy foods in 2019. Its high demand making lots of ayam geprek vendors are mushrooming in many cities in Indonesia.
    Ayam geprek is one of the trendy foods in 2019. Its high demand making lots of ayam geprek vendors are mushrooming in many cities in Indonesia.

    Kitchenesia curated five street foods that became sensation in 2019. Some of them find new live, but some also have gone too soon.

    Kitchenesia.com - Local culinary scene has been bombarded by foods and beverages from overseas in 2019. Japanese fluffy cakes have been around for a while now. Taiwanese boba drink, or more locally known as bubble tea, has reached sort of perpetual existence to some extent. Whether it is homegrown brands or big chains, the vendors of foreign trendy dishes have mushroomed in the recent past.

    In the middle of boba inventions, local street foods fought back to reclaim the top spot. 2019 saw many local street foods made a dramatic comeback. Some of them were coming out in new version, and made it to be sensation on the internet for two main reasons: they were brilliant or downright strange.

    While there are plenty of local street foods that last for a long time, there are also lots of them that come and go as the years go by. That's not to say they will be gone forever, but we might find them less than before. Also, it is never wrong to enjoy short holiday by having "has-been" foods with family.

    Sera B
    David Togatorop


    Kitchen Story