Gado-gado BONBIN, Authentic Taste of Indonesian Cuisine to Fulfill Your Gustatory Wander

Wednesday, 4 March 2020 | 10:05 WIB
  • Legendary Gado-gado
    Legendary Gado-gado

    Rather pricey but justifiable

    The price for a portion of Gado-gado “Bonbin” is 39,000 rupiah, though somewhat costly but it is for justifiable reasons since it contains premium quality ingredients, the savory taste will pay the price, though.

    On the whole, though it doesn’t offer its customer with luxury and ravishing look, for those culinary curious or elderly who want to reminisce old times, this place deserves an 8 out of 10.

    Redika Riasari
    David Togatorop


    Kitchen Story