Windy Iwandy, the Food Blogger Behind @foodirectory Spills Her Secret to Stay in Shape and Travel to Empower

Tuesday, 31 December 2019 | 14:37 WIB
  • Windy Iwandy, the Food Blogger Behind @fooddirectory Spills Her Secret to Staying in Shape and Message of women empowerement.
    Windy Iwandy, the Food Blogger Behind @fooddirectory Spills Her Secret to Staying in Shape and Message of women empowerement.

    Choose one: get paid to write a fake review or an honest review but not paid at all?

    When it comes to reviewing food and restaurants, I always look for the positive things first. It can be the food packaging, the hospitality, and the food itself, definitely. Whenever I find weakness, I always describe it in detail to my followers and the restaurant's owner. 

    My review would be "I love the vibe of this restaurant but the foods need improvement" instead of saying the food is horrible without explanation. I respect every person involved in the food making. 

    Social media is already over-saturated with food and travel influencers. What things do you do to make yourself stand out?

    That's true. And it requires endless creativity to stand out among them because every influencer I have encountered with is unique in their own. Their creativities are unmatched, and sometimes they make me feel intimidated (laugh). 

    Food and travel blogger reviewer Windy Ivandy wants to encourage fellow women to move on from comfort zone.
    Food and travel blogger reviewer Windy Ivandy wants to encourage fellow women to move on from comfort zone.

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    But male influencers are still dominant, not to mention on food field. There is always a spirit of women empowerment on every post and videos I post. I really want to empower my fellow women followers to embrace solo traveling. I really want to push them to get out from comfort zone, and begin to venture the unknown world, with or without men. 

    What foods do you predict to trend in 2020?

    Healthy foods are getting popular and it will reach its momentum next year. I believe most people in big cities are already health-conscious. Thus healthy F&B businesses are flourishing, today and next year. Many restaurants have added vegan food in their menus. Also, new business model like healthy caterings are blooming fast.

    Healthy food is not necessarily about salad or juice, only. Food vendors will also offer foods with less sugar or less salt. 

    I also agree with Mondelez research result that people tend to eat light-bite food more than the heavy ones. Thus, a healthy snack that contains daily nutrients will be popular. 

    Sera B
    David Togatorop


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