Tantalizing Nasi Sumsum for Your Fulfilling and Healthy Supper

Tuesday, 20 October 2020 | 06:06 WIB
  • Opt for this savory Nasi Bakar Sumsum for your wholesome supper. It is rich with nutrition and will surely make a wrap to your day.

    Alluring Nasi Bakar Sumsum
    Alluring Nasi Bakar Sumsum

    Cooking Steps


    Kitchenesia.com - Nasi Sumsum will make your exceptional supper. Not only that, the food’s delicacy is one of the topmost, so you shouldn’t be reluctant to try. White rice wrapped with beef marrow, chicken flair fillings and spices seasoning are perfect to make one luscious dish.

    Prepare beforehand as it take quite of your effort, though the result won’t leave you in despair. Happy cooking!

    Duration         : 75 minutes

    Yields              : 4 servings


    500 grams of white rice

    150 grams of beef marrow, steamed

    3/4 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon of chicken stock

    2 tablespoons of oil for sauteing

    4 banana leaves for wrapping

    1 cucumber, chopped

    Ingredients to grind at once:

    6 red onions

    3 cloves of garlic

    4 curly red chilies

    1/4 teaspoon pepper

    Ingredients for chili peanuts

    75 grams of fried peanuts

    3 red curly chilies

    6 green cayenne peppers

    1 teaspoon of salt

    1 tablespoon of granulated sugar

    1 lime

    150 ml of hot water

    How to Make Marrow Rice:

    1. Heat the oil. Stir-fry the spices until fragrant. Add salt rice, and powdered chicken stock. Cook until well done. Lift it up.

    2. Take a banana leaf. Give rice. Put in the marrow. Cover rice. Wrap. Pin with a stick.

    3. Burn until fragrant.

    4. Peanut sauce steps: soft curly red chili, green cayenne, salt, and sugar. Add peanuts. Smooth ulcer. Add lime. Flatten them. Pour in hot water.

    5. Serve Nasi Sum-sum with peanut sauce.

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    Redika Riasari
    David Togatorop


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