Javanese Savory Snack Rempeyek Takes Snacking to the Whole New Level

Friday, 13 March 2020 | 13:38 WIB
  • Learn to make tasty and cracky rempeyek (peanut cracker) at home with this step-by-step recipe.

    Javanese savoury snack rempeyek kacang tanah (peanut cracker) is a tasty treat to complement warm meal.
    Javanese savoury snack rempeyek kacang tanah (peanut cracker) is a tasty treat to complement warm meal. - For non-native of Java, the name "rempeyek" (or peyek) seemingly sounds like a complicated term that derived from Javanese language. The truth is, there is no "peyek" word in Javanese dictionary. This food name is simply a onomatopoeia that depicts the crisp sound when it is breaking, just like "scrunch" in English.

    Just like other crackers, rempeyek (peanut cracker) is a complementary snack to eat along with Javanese warm meal, such as pecel or nasi warteg.

    The main ingredient of rempeyek varies according to the region. Some regions in Central Java use peanut, dried shrimp, or even cricket.

    For today's recipe, Kitchenesia provides the common type of rempeyek: using ground nuts. 

    Duration: 45 minutes

    Yields: 500 gram crackers


    175 grams rice flour

    1 tablespoon sago flour

    1 egg yolk

    275 ml coconut milk

    10 kaffir lime leaves, sliced

    100 gram groundnut, halved then fried 

    800 ml cooking oil

    Paste Ingredients:

    6 shallots

    4 cloves garlic

    3 centimeters piece of sand ginger

    2 centimeters piece of turmeric, roasted

    3/4 teaspoon salt

    1/4 teaspoon sugar

    4 candlenuts, roasted. 

    Grind all paste ingredients with mortar and pestle. 

    Cooking Steps

    1. Mix well ingredients and ground paste altogether in a bowl. 

    2. Heat cooking oil over a medium heat wok. Take a tablespoon of the dough and put it on the side of wok. 

    3. spurt cooking oil onto the dough until the dough fall off from the wok side.

    4. Fry until brown. 


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    David Togatorop


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