Shop And Eat Till You Drop! Here Comes WICSF, The Biggest Culinary and Shopping Festival In Indonesia

Thursday, 26 September 2019 | 12:41 WIB
  • Get ready to eat and shop!
    Get ready to eat and shop! – Indonesia’s Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar) and Indonesia Councils of Shopping Centers (APPBI) to hold Wonderful Indonesia Culinary and Shopping Festival (WICSF).

    WICSF has been held consecutively since 2017, and this year is the third time they hold this event.

    2019’s WICSF runs for 30 days straight, from September 27 to October 27.

    As many as 150 shopping centers from 20 provinces across Indonesia will participate in this event: Jakarta, Pekanbaru, Medan, Makasar, Banten, Jawa Barat, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, Mamju, and East Kalimantan.

    Offering up to 70 percents discount, Kemenpar and APPBI targeted 1.3 trillion rupiahs for each participated mall, or raising 80 percents compares to last year.

    “(We) targeted WICSF’s transaction raise up to 1,3 trillion per participaed malls. Although, we understand that Jakarta will have the biggest transaction among other regions,” said Stefanus Ridwan, head of APPBI on press conference at Sapta Pesona Building on Wednesday (18/9).

    Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya showed his utmost support for this event, and wished WICSF could be included in Kemenpar’s “100 of Tourism Events Calendar”.

    Vita Datau, Arief Yahya, Stefanus Ridwan, and Esthy Reko Astuti on Press Conference of Wonderful Indonesia Culinary dan Shopping Festival (WICSF), on Wednesday (18/9) at Sapta Pesona Building, Ministry of Tourism
    Vita Datau, Arief Yahya, Stefanus Ridwan, and Esthy Reko Astuti on Press Conference of Wonderful Indonesia Culinary dan Shopping Festival (WICSF), on Wednesday (18/9) at Sapta Pesona Building, Ministry of Tourism

    “The annual WICSF is a strategic action to boost to locals’ economy and tourism sector through tourists’ expenditure. And most importantly, to attract foreign tourist from our neighbor countries,” said Arief Yahya on press conference. Arief also said that the biggest expediture of both domestic and foreign touist in Indonesia is on culinary and shopping expenses.

    “Through cooperation with Kemenpar and tourism entrepreneur, WICSF offers unforgetabble shopping and culinary experience, as well as increasing the income of small and medium enterprises near tourism spots,” closed Stefanus.

    Sera B
    David Togatorop


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