Your Viral Hangout Place: Sarinah, Coming Back With A Facelift For Everyone and Everything

Friday, 2 September 2022 | 08:11 WIB
  • Sarinah now caters for modern people's needs: a mall, a place to eat and a place to be together.
    Sarinah now caters for modern people's needs: a mall, a place to eat and a place to be together. - This is what Jakartans have been waiting for.

    After two years of refurbishment, the historic Sarinah mall finally reopens for the public.

    And of course, with a new look and lots of attractions.

    This is what makes Sarinah different from other malls.

    As the first mall in Indonesia, firstly opened in 1966 by President Soekarno, Sarinah is bound to a long history.

    Mall-goers can learn about the history of Sarinah in a mini-museum in the lobby.

    The name itself is unique, as Sarinah is named after Soekarno’s childhood nanny.

    Next to the museum, a 12-by-3 meter relief stands strong and becomes the highlight of the mall.

    But the relief is not simply for a spot to take selfies.

    It is estimated to be at least 50 years old though the artist is still unknown.

    The first escalator in Indonesia was also installed here.

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    David Togatorop
    David Togatorop


    Kitchen Story