Bakwan Shirataki Recipe: Salty, Spicy, Satisfying Appetizer for Everyone

Thursday, 19 August 2021 | 09:48 WIB
  • Follow this easy recipe to make Bakwan Shirataki (shirataki fritters) at home, a satisfying appetizers for everyone.

    Bakwan Shirataki (shirataki fritters), deep-fried appetizer that everyone likes.
    Bakwan Shirataki (shirataki fritters), deep-fried appetizer that everyone likes.

  - Sweet yet savory. Bite-sized yet satisfying. Appetizers are deliciously versatile to enjoy between meals. Bakwan Shirataki (shirataki fritters) really tick all the boxes: salty, spicy, satisfying, all that stuff you'd expect from a perfect appetizer.

    You will get surprised when you find out how simple they are to cook: simply jumble every ingredient and deep-fry them. And Voila! You'll these flavor-packed snacks are ready in minutes. 

    Duration: 30 minutes

    Yields: 12 fritters


    200gr shirataki noodles, boiled then finely chopped
    100gr flour
    30gr rice flour
    2 tbsp sago flour
    150gr ground chicken
    60gr carrot, cut into fine julienne
    1 spring onion, chopped
    1 tsp salt
    1/4 tsp white pepper
    3/4 tsp coriander powder
    1/2 tsp chicken powder
    100ml water
    500ml cooking oil

    Grind into a paste:
    3 shallots
    2 garlic cloves

    Cooking Steps

    1. Add sago, flour, and rice flour to a bowl. Mix well
    2. Add paste, ground chicken, carrot, spring onion, salt, white pepper, coriander powder, chicken powder, and water. Mix well.
    3. Add shirataki noodles, mix well until blended.
    4. Prepare a wok and heat oil over medium heat. When simmering, add a spoon of batter to the wok. Repeat this step until the batter runs out.
    5. Flip them over to make sure both sides are evenly cooked.
    6. Once every fritter turns golden brown, remove them to the frying rack to drain excess oil.
    7. Bakwan shirataki (shirataki fritters) are ready to serve.

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    David Togatorop


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