Add More Delicacy to Your Lunch Today with Delectable Abon Ikan

Monday, 6 April 2020 | 15:23 WIB
  • If your heavy load awaits you ahead for upcoming days, spare your leisure for the delicacy of Abon Ikan.

    Somewhat crispy and salty, Abon Ikan is versatile side dish
    Somewhat crispy and salty, Abon Ikan is versatile side dish

  - Prepare ahead if you are to have jostling days ahead. This side dish of Abon Ikan will provide you delicacy in its very simplicity of steps. Your growling stomach in the morning don't have to wait long, spooning Abon Ikan (fish floss) accordingly with a portion of rice will get you ready to face the day head on.

    Take your leisure for awhile for its worthwhile delicacy!

    Duration : 45 minutes
    Yields     : 330 gram


    400 grams of boneless tuna, steamed, quipped
    100 grams of brown sugar, evenly shredded
    1 teaspoon of salt
    2 tablespoons of sugar
    250 grams of shallots, finely sliced, fried
    2 tablespoons of oil for sauteing

    Ingredients to grind at once:
    5 pieces of orange leaf, bone removed
    2 cm ginger, contused
    10 cloves of garlic
    3 red onions

    Cooking Steps

    1. Heat the oil, saute the spices until fragrant.

    2. Put the tuna. Mix evenly until it is half dry.

    3. Add brown sugar, granulated sugar, and salt. Cook until it is dry.

    Sajian Sedap
    Redika Riasari
    David Togatorop


    Kitchen Story