Have an Enticing Morning Sojourn with Savory Pukis Cokelat Kelapa

Wednesday, 25 March 2020 | 14:48 WIB
  • Heavy meal in the morning oftentimes will make you feel sleepy instead of spirited. A piece of Pukis Cokelat Kelapa is suitable to begin your day.

    Delectable Pukis Kelapa Cokelat
    Delectable Pukis Kelapa Cokelat


    Kitchenesia.com – Pukis Cokelat Kelapa (Indonesian Waffle with Cocholate and Shreded Coconnut Fillings) is one of Indonesia’s renowed traditional cake. It is best consumed as your morning sojourn, sweet, light but still fullilling for your stomach.

    Have a happy try!

    Duration        : 45 minutes

    Yields            : 42 pieces


    4 eggs

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    250 grams of granulated sugar

    1/4 teaspoon vanilla powder

    300 ml coconut milk, from a whole coconut, boil

    1 tablespoon of margarine, melt

    300 grams of medium protein flour

    1/4 teaspoon of chocolate paste

    150 grams of young coconut, long dredged

    Sourdough ingredients:

    50 grams of moderate protein flour

    100 ml of water

    1 tablespoon of instant yeast

    Cooking Steps

    1. Sourdough steps: Mix wheat flour, water, and instant yeast while stirring it until evenly blend. Let it aside for 10 minutes.

    2. Beat eggs, salt, sugar, and vanilla powder until thick. Add the prickly heat. Shake slowly.

    3. Add flour alternately with coconut milk while beaten slowly. Add margarine. Stir well. Let stand 1 hour until fluffy

    4. Take one tablespoon of dough. Add chocolate paste. Stir well. Put it in a triangular plastic bag.

    5. Heat the Pukis dough in the mold. Pour the white mixture. Spread the chocolate mixture accordingly in the middle. Stir evenly until it has a marble-like color. Cover it and let it half cooked.

    6. Open the mold once it is already half-cooked, pour young coconut on top of it. Cover it up until it is well-cooked. Set it aside for a while and it is ready to be served.

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    David Togatorop


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