For busy fellas, try Perkedel Tempe Jagung as your meal side dish. Not only does it easy to prepare but also tasty. – Perkedel Tempe Jagung (Potato Fritters with Tempeh and Peeled Corn Fillings) is suitable for you with a lot of things to tackle throughout a day but still won’t miss a healthy and nutrious meal.
It is only within two steps away and you have it ready to be eaten along as your meals accompaniment or just munch it as a snack in between leisure time.
Duration : 30 minutes
Yields : 15 servings
200 grams of tempeh, steamed
1 piece (100 gram) sweet corn, slice the corns
50 grams of ground chicken
1 basil leaf stalk, roughly sliced
1 egg white to put the round dough into
600 ml of oil for frying
Spices ingredients to ground altogether:
3 cloves of garlic, fried
1/4 teaspoon coriander
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon granulated sugar
1. Mix evenly the steamed tempeh, sweet corn, ground chicken, basil leaves and spices. Make a round shape out of it. Dip it into egg white.
2. Fry in the oil that has been heated over medium heat until it is cooked.