Exclusive Interview with Chef Herry Nugraha of Asia Restaurant of the Ritz Calton, Mega Kuningan: It is a Matter of Presentation and Quality

Friday, 6 March 2020 | 11:59 WIB
  • Chef Herry Nughraha of Asia Resturant, the Ritz Calton, Mega Kuningan.
    Chef Herry Nughraha of Asia Resturant, the Ritz Calton, Mega Kuningan.

    Kitchenesia exclusively interviewed Chef Herry Nugraha of Asia Restaurant of the Ritz Calton, Mega Kuningan

    Kitchenesia.com - Chef de Cuisine of Asia Restaurant Herry Adi Nugraha revealed the details behind the chosen Indonesia cuisine in “7 Stellar Dishes” in the restaurant, those of: Nasi Uduk, Beef Rawon and The Cendol Cake.  

    With profound explanation, he highlighted what made those Indonesian dishes worthy to be brought into table.

    Even though his main expertise is European food, he doesn’t forget his roots. He finds it necessary to have in-depth knowledge in Indonesian cuisine so it will gain more worldwide recognition.

    He lamented the lack of promotion in Indonesian cuisines that it is now the right time for it to steal the limelight and get proper boost; be it inside or outside of the country. In an exclusive interview, Chef Herry shared some valuable insight regarding Indonesian foods in “7 Stellar Dishes”

    Which one is your favorite among these three Indonesian menus from “7 Stellar Dishes”?

    Beef Rawon. People commonly known this dish comes from Surabaya of East Java. But even so, not so many are aware to keep its original taste, it can be highly influenced by the quality of its chosen material and the cooking method of it.

    And we are committed to keep the authentic nutty taste signature of Rawon, starting from using premium ingredient: its meat which is imported and ‘keluak’ that has been carefully selected to the using of the condiments like bean sprouts, salted egg. So, when people taste it, they will get the best experience ever of eating Beef Rawon. We consider our class as well, as a five star hotel.

    So, you picked all of these Indonesian dishes for “7 Stellar Dishes”?

    Yes. After it gets approval from our Executive Chef, Chef Rudolph Blattler. 

    How about the acceptance towards these dishes? Especially, from foreigners?

    Our Executive Chef comes from Swiss, so he expects strong flavor soup. Rawon contains ‘keluak’ that makes it so. Their first impression towards our dishes is by far great. I believe, this is due to the use of high quality material.

    Redika Riasari
    David Togatorop


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