You And Your Colleagues Could Have Healthy Lives By Eating 1,000 Free Salad, Here's How To Join

Tuesday, 26 November 2019 | 09:51 WIB
  • Olivoilà, Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Italy, Is To Give You And Your Colleagues 1,000 Free Salad, Here's How To Join
    Olivoilà, Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Italy, Is To Give You And Your Colleagues 1,000 Free Salad, Here's How To Join

    Andrew White presented at Olivoila press conference
    Andrew White presented at Olivoila press conference

    Based on four charateristics above, Olivoilà is best consumed daily. Andrew White, an actor and health influencer also consumes extra virgin olive oil daily as a condiment for salad and sphagetti. 

    "I'm actually a very sceptical person when it comes to healthy product. But Olivoilà gained my trust as soon as I tried it for the first time. It guarantees the best olives oil from Italy processed with best technology," said Andrew White on a press conference on Wednesday, November 20, at Lucy In The Sky Cafe, SCBD. 

    To influence healthy eating among office workers, Olivoilà Extra Virgin Olive Oil starts a campaign called “Olivoila 30 Days Challenge". Olivoilà will share 1,000 free salad to registered workplace.

    To join this campaign, register your office and collagues on Besides healthy and free salad, Olivoilà will reward discount vouchers worth Rp 25.000 for purchasing Olivoila Extra Virgin Olive Oil product. 

    Sera B
    David Togatorop


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