- Indonesia is home to a refreshing vegetable dish combined with a tangy broth known as asinan.
This dish is especially popular in Jakarta and Bogor.
While asinan from these two cities may look similar, there are key differences that set them apart.
The Difference Between Asinan Bogor and Bogor Betawi
Asinan is loved by many Indonesians for its simple preparation and health benefits. It can be enjoyed either as a main dish or a dessert, depending on your preference.
However, don’t confuse asinan Betawi with asinan Bogor when serving this dish.
1. Asinan Bogor
Though asinan is typically associated with vegetables, what makes asinan Bogor stand out is its mix of fruits and vegetables.
There are three main varieties: fruit, vegetable, and a combination of both. Common fruits used include jicama, guava, snake fruit, and pineapple, adding a refreshing twist.
On the vegetable side, you’ll find bean sprouts, cabbage, and cucumber slices. The dish is served with a spicy and sour broth made from vinegar and chili.
To top it off, vendors often sprinkle crunchy peanuts for an extra nutty and savory touch. Who can resist this dish?
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2. Asinan Betawi
Asinan Betawi stands out with its signature red crackers.
Unlike the Bogor version, asinan Betawi uses a sweet and savory peanut sauce with a hint of dried shrimp (ebi).
The main ingredients are solely vegetables, and if you order asinan Betawi, it typically comes with noodles, tofu, and crackers, all drenched in the rich peanut sauce.
Finding asinan Betawi is easy, as it’s still widely sold, and it’s also quite simple to make at home if you’re up for it.
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