Wedang Ublek, a Yummy Drink to Warm and Strengthen Cold Body!

Friday, 21 February 2020 | 12:30 WIB
  • Warm your body and soul with Wedang Ublek, a warm drink that is easy and cheap to make.

    Wedang Ublek is Javanese people's go-to drink to warm body on a rain season!
    Wedang Ublek is Javanese people's go-to drink to warm body on a rain season! - It's always rain in Indonesia! Well at least in February and March that is, when the rainy season reaches its peak. The cold temperature in rainy season makes us feel comfort under blanket, and not being productive. 

    But not today, because Kitchenesia brings the ultimate beverage that not only can warm your body, but also have its novelty of being healthy! 

    We're talking about Wedang Ublek, a drink from Java whose ingredients are only a walk away to your kitchen. Or if not, to your neigbor's!

    Duration: 45 minutes

    Yields: 5 glasses


    100 ml coconut milk

    1000 ml coconut liquid

    250 gram green coconut, scrape the inner flesh

    150 gram brown sugar, grated

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    Cooking Steps

    1. Boil palm sugar, salt, and coconut liquid. Stir while until blended, 

    2. In another pot, boil again and add green coconut. Stir well. Add coconut milk. Boil until fragrance

    3. Serve in a mug. 


    Sajian Sedap
    Sera B
    David Togatorop


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