Recipe: Orange Tomato Juice with Honey, Easy Peasy Juice to Strengthen Your Body in Rainy Season!

Saturday, 25 January 2020 | 08:36 WIB
  • Try this healthy yet delicious Orange Tomato Juice with Honey, a refreshing juice for all seasons!

    Orange Tomato Juice with Honey, Easy Peasy Juice to Strengthen Your Body on Rainy Season!
    Orange Tomato Juice with Honey, Easy Peasy Juice to Strengthen Your Body on Rainy Season! - Who says juice is best consumed on summer only? Besides downpour, wet season often associated with diseases like influenza and even dengue. Thus, you need an extra effort to stay strong in order to cope weather changes. 

    Don't worry, there are many foods and beverages that are both healthy and delicious. Today's recipe is one of them. There are immune booster in orange, antioxidant in tomato and honey. One tasty drink can help your body to stay strong in the midst of the wet weather.

    Duration:20 minutes

    Yields: 3 glasses



    5 tomatoes

    10 sweet oranges, squeezed

    6 tablespoon honey

    400 gram ice cubes

    Cooking Steps

    1. Boil tomatoes in medium heat until pulpy. Put on splate and let it cool down.

    2. Put tomatoes and orange water into blender. Blend until soft. 

    3. Add honey while blending. 





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    David Togatorop


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