Quick and Easy Breakfast with Fried Mashed Potato with Smoked Beef, Kids Favorite!

Monday, 6 January 2020 | 09:56 WIB
  • Learn how to make the perfect fried mashed potatoes with smoked beef for a quick and tasty meal by following this easy recipe!

    Resep Perkedel Kentang Daging Asap Enak Ini Pasti Bikin Si Kecil Nafsu Makan
    Resep Perkedel Kentang Daging Asap Enak Ini Pasti Bikin Si Kecil Nafsu Makan


    Kitchenesia.com - If you have a couple of potatoes, eggs, and some herbs, then you are more than enough to make a simple but fulfilling perkedel. It is an Indonesian version Dutch's frikadelle, but instead using meat, we use potato as main filling. Perkedel consists of generous amounts of nutrients, such as carbs, protein, and good fat. Due to its nutrients complexity, perkedel should be eaten without rice. But still, most people eat perkedel with rice, especially turmeric rice as celebratory meal. 

    Perkedel is a handy food that many schoolers bring to school as their lunch. However, a common problem often happens: they are shattered. While still edible, they still want to eat perkedel in perfect circle-shaped because it looks more appealing, or just to brag with their classmates.

    To avoid this problem, follow this proven perkedel recipe to have perkedel in a perfect shape for a day. By the way, we add smoked beef, too!

    Duration: 30 minutes

    Yields: 22 balls


    500 gram potato, peel then dice

    3 smoked beef, dice then boil

    1 egg, beat until blend

    1 green onion, chop

    1 1/2 tablespoon fried shallot, ground roughly

    1 teaspoon salt

    1/4 teaspoon pepper

    1/4 teaspoon powdered nutmeg

    1 tablespoon celery, slice

    1 egg for dipping the dough, beat until blend

    500 ml cooking oil

    Cooking Steps

    1. Heat oil on medium heat. Fry potatoes until well-cooked

    2. Grind fried potatoes. Add fried shallots, salt, pepper, and powdered nutmeg. Mix until blend. Then add celery while mixing

    3. Add smoked beef. Mix well

    4. Take a handful dough. shape into flat round patties. Dip raw perkedel into beaten egg.

    5. Fry perkedel on medium heat. Slide the well-cooked perkedel onto plate





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    David Togatorop


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