Early Weekdays Blast with Sweet and Savory Clorot Nangka Cake

Monday, 6 April 2020 | 15:22 WIB
  • Clorot Nangka will bring you instant joy with its sweet and munchy texture. One piece of it is simply not enough!

    Sweet and savory Clorot Nangka cake, one of Indonesia's legendary snack
    Sweet and savory Clorot Nangka cake, one of Indonesia's legendary snack


    Kitchenesia.com - Begin your weekdays with the delicacy of Clorot Nangka Cake, one of Indonesia's renowned traditional street cakes. With a cup of warm tea or coffee in the morning, it offers you serene and reassurance that the whole day will past just fine.

    Three steps shouldn't bother you as it will pay the price. Happy cooking!

    Duration: 45 minutes

    Yields    : 15 pieces


    200 ml of mineral water
    175 grams of brown sugar, combed
    2 pandan leaves, tied
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    300 ml coconut milk from 1/2 coconut
    150 grams of rice flour
    25 grams of sago flour

    Ingredients for fillings:
    300 ml coconut milk from 1/2 coconut
    7 tablespoons of rice flour
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    6 jackfruit eyes, cut into small squares
    60 sheets made of coconut cone

    Cooking Steps

    1. Outer part steps: boil water, brown sugar, pandan leaves, and salt until the sugar is fully dissolved. Set it aside for awhile.

    2. Mix sugar water and coconut milk. Pour into the mixture of rice flour and sago flour, little by little while stirring it evenly.

    3. Arrange the coconut shell above the coconut pulp. Pour ingredients I to 3/4 the height of the cone. Steam on medium heat for 10 minutes.

    4. Filling steps: stir well coconut milk, rice flour, salt, and jackfruit. Pour onto ingredients I.

    5. Steam over medium heat for 15 minutes until cooked.

    Sajian Sedap
    Redika Riasari
    David Togatorop


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