Recipe: The One and Only, Telur Dadar Padang!

Tuesday, 18 February 2020 | 15:47 WIB
  • Telur Dadar Padang won't go wrong to perfect your day.

    Telur dadar Padang with rice is absolute savory
    Telur dadar Padang with rice is absolute savory - One menu of Padang cuisine that you can't finda anywhere else is Telur Dadar Padang. This menu is popular because of its soft texture and flavor that blend well with the tongue. 

    Duration: 30 minutes

    Yields: 8 servings


    8 chicken eggs

    6 cloves shallot, thinly sliced

    6 pieces of orange leaf, discard the bone leaves, thinly sliced

    4 scallions, thinly sliced

    1 sheet of turmeric leaves, thinly sliced

    6 tablespoons of medium protein flour

    1/4 teaspoon ground pepper

    1 teaspoon of salt

    1 tablespoon of oil, for sauteing

    150 ml of oil, for frying

    Ingredients to pound:

    6 red onions

    8 red curly chilies

    Cooking Steps

    1. Heat the oil. Sauté the spices until they smell nice. Then set aside.

    2. Mix evenly chicken eggs, shallots, orange leaves, leeks, turmeric leaves, wheat flour, salt and pepper powder. Add sauce. Mix well.

    Sajian Sedap
    Redika Riasari
    David Togatorop


    Kitchen Story