Langga Roko, A Fullfilling and Flavor-Rich Dish for Balanced Diet

Wednesday, 13 November 2019 | 09:14 WIB
  • From Central Sulawesi, Langga Roko is a flavor-rich dish with many nurients that are good for weight loss.

    Resep Langga Roko Enak, Hidangan Khas Sulawesi Tengah yang Super Nikmat
    Resep Langga Roko Enak, Hidangan Khas Sulawesi Tengah yang Super Nikmat

  - Indonesian cuisine is made of an array of traditional dishes accros region within the country. These hundreds of culinary heritage bear a resemblance: they stimulate our five senses with rich flavors, captivating aroma, and bold colors.

    However, some Indonesian foods are notorious for their generous amount of oil and salt, which might not be friendly to our health in general. Long-duration of cooking also makes Indonesian food loose its original nutrients.

    Actually, many Indonesian foods are rich in key nutrients that not only keep body healthy, but also weight-loss friendly.

    One of which is Langga Roko, a traditional dish from Central Sulawesi that is flavor-rich yet healthy due to its cooking method.

    Langga Roko is a pepes dish, traditional cooking method by wrapping food with banana leaf and steaming or grilling them on heated charcoal. Pepes cooking is healthier than frying. Fish pepes contains 75 calories for 100 gram, while fried fish contains double calories for the same weight.

    Being a weight-loss-friendly dish, Langga Roko is also flavor-rich. It uses a handful amount of various herbs that are good for our health. Don't worry, all ingredients are affordable. A healthy and hassle-free dish that doesn't skimp on taste is now possible. 

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Yields: 6 portions


    • 1 mackeler fish (approx. 500 gram), chop in horizontal for 3-4 parts
    • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1/2 tablespoon sugar
    • 8 kaffir lime leaves, shred
    • 5 banana leaves

    Grinded Spices

    • 5 candlenuts, fry without oil (i.e sangrai)
    • 1 teaspoon corriander seed, fry without oil
    • 1/4 teaspoon caraway, fry without oil
    • 10 shallots
    • 4 garlic cloves
    • 6 red cayenne chillies
    • 5 bird eye's chillies
    • 2 centimetres greater galangal (i.e lengkuas)
    • 2 lemongrasses, cut off bottom (i.e the white part)
    • 2 centimetres turmeric

    Cooking Steps

    1. Mix grinded spices with shredded kaffir lime leaves, salt, and sugar. Mix until well-blended

    2. Coat fish in mixed spices of step 1. 

    3. Put chopped mackerel on a banana leaf. Wrap and pin with skewer. 

    4. Steam for 45 minutes until cooked. Serve with rice.

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    David Togatorop


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