Limited Edition Bobo Magazine Collection: The Best of Bobo Family Comics is Back!

Tuesday, 27 February 2024 | 15:16 WIB
  • The 50th Anniversary Collection of Bobo Magazine is back with various doorprize such at motocycle and diamond! You can get it with 85 thousand rupiahs.

    PO Bobo Family collections
    PO Bobo Family collections

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    The 50th Anniversary Collection of Bobo Magazine is back!

    This Limited Edition Collection is the final installment of the three-part series, completing the two previously published editions, making it a TRILOGY!

    In this Limited Edition Collection, you can reminisce by reading the best Bobo Family comics (cergam) throughout 50 years of Bobo Magazine.

    It is thicker with 132 pages and contains various interactive games and quizzes with prizes.

    Even more special, there are 20 new exclusive long comic pages about the exciting adventures of Bobo and his family.

    For the first time, the Bobo comic is presented in full 20 pages without interruption, and it is only published in this collection edition.

    Not only that, Bobo also presents door prizes worth hundreds of millions of rupiah! There are gold, diamonds, bicycles, exclusive Bobo merchandise, and even motorcycles.

    The Bobo Magazine Limited Edition Collection: The Best of Bobo Family Comics can be purchased through the pre-order (PO) system from February 19 to March 11, 2024 for Rp 85,000,-.

    To order, you can purchase it through e-commerce such as:

    Or it can also be obtained through Sirkulasi Kompas Gramedia, Toko Gramedia,, or Kompas Gramedia Agents in your city.

    For those who do not yet have Bobo Magazine Collection Edition 1 and 2, you can also purchase them again at the same link as the purchase of this Collection Edition PO.

    So, what are you thinking now? Get it now!

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