Spicy Rica-Rica Grilled Chicken

Thursday, 26 May 2016 | 21:46 WIB
  • Manadonese seasoning is indeed very delicious and addictive. their spicy dishes can really build your appetite. rica-rica sauce is one of the examples. this sauce goes well with many ingredients, but the most popular is chicken. let’s make this spicy rica-rica grilled chicken at home!

    Spicy Rica-Rica Grilled Chicken
    Spicy Rica-Rica Grilled Chicken


    1 whole chicken, cut into 8 pieces
    1 teaspoon lime juice
    1 3/4 teaspoons salt
    4 lime leaves, midribs removed
    2 lemongrass (white part only),crushed
    1/2 teaspoon sugar
    300 ml water
    2 tablespoons cooking oil

    coarsely ground spices blend:
    6 red chili peppers
    8 cloves shallot
    3 cloves garlic
    1 tomato
    2 cm ginger

    Cooking Steps

    1. Marinate chicken with lime juice and 1 teaspoon salt. Let it set for 15 minutes.
    2. Heat cooking oil on the pan. Sauté coarse spices blend, lime leaves, and lemongrass until fragrant.
    3. Add chicken. Stir it until the color changes. Add in remaining salt and sugar. Stir well. Pour in water. Cook it until the sauce is reduced, thick, and absorbed into the chicken.
    4. Grill chicken until fragrant and browned. Remove it from heat.
    5. Spicy Rica-Rica Grilled Chicken is ready to serve.



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