Sweet Wedang with Herbs Aroma, Comforting Tonic that Keep Body Healthy

Friday, 10 April 2020 | 20:15 WIB
Learn to make comforting and tasty Sweet Wedang with Herbs Aroma at home with this step-by-step recipe!

Sweet Wedang with Herbs Aroma is Javanese people's go-to drink to warm body on a rain season!

Kitchenesia.com - From March to April, Indonesia's wheater is transitioning from wet to dry season. The temperature and weather change rapidly in a span of a day only. Blistering sun blustered over commuters in the morning; at night, rain pouring heavily.

The unpredictability makes everyone prone to diseases like flu or even dengue. Before taking a handful of supplements, it is much better to work on some homemade tonic made of natural herbs to strengthen the body's immune system. 

Wedang rempah gula merah (sweet warm ginger drink with herbs) is a perfect go-to drink to consume daily during the transitioning season. Variants of herbs like lemongrass and ginger not only make this tonic healthy but also aromatic.

Duration: 45 minutes

Yields: 4 mugs


200 grams ginger, burned then crushed

1 lemongrass, crushed

1 pandan leaf, tied into a knot

1/8 teaspoon salt

100 grams palm sugar, grated

1 litre water

Cooking Steps

1. Put water, ginger, lemongrass, pandan leaf, and salt altogether in a wok. Boil over medium fire.

2. Add palm sugar. Stir until dissolved.

3. Filter and serve while hot