Brighten up Your Self-Quarantine Days With Es Moktail Sarang Burung!

Friday, 10 April 2020 | 20:11 WIB
Learn to make a refreshing and tasty Es Moktail Sarang Burung (Iced mocktail with mix fruits) at home with this step-by-step recipe!

Make this easy Es Moktail Sarang Burung (Iced mocktail with mix fruits) at home to kill lazy days during self-quarantine. - No drink has enough power to put you in the bright mood than this brighly-colored, sweet-and-sour iced mocktail. Especially if you are worried in sipping too much liquor, this drink is a fitting alternative to jazz up your dull self-quarantine days with 0% alcohol. 

The recipes of mocktail variants are ubiquotous on the internet. But Kitchenesia present you the easiest yet the tastiest one, Es Moktail Sarang Burung. We don't exactly understand why bird nest (i.e literal english translation for "sarang burung") is put in the name although this mocktail is vegetarian.

Nevertheless, this unique drink is only minutes-ready to sip with whole family. Follow the recipe below to make one at home!

Duration: 30 minutes

Yields: 8 glasses


1 package of instant jelly powder

400 ml water

2 tablespoons sugar

3 drops of food green coloring

1 instant cocktail can

100 grams nata de coco

250 ml orange syrup

400 grams ice cubes

Cooking Steps

1. Boil water, jelly powder, sugar, and food coloring in a pot and bring it to boil over medium flame for 4-5 minutes. Stir occasionally in between.

2. Pour water to jelly mould and let it chill in room temperature. Put mould in freezer and let it frozen. Grate frozen jelly with cheese grater.

3. Place it in bowl followed by other ingredients. Mix well and serve separately with smaller glasses