Grilled Chicken with Spicy Balado Sambal

Friday, 27 May 2016 | 12:19 WIB
Don’t know what to cook for your family? let's make grilled chicken with spicy balado sambal. it will make a perfect lunch or dinner.

Grilled Chicken with Spicy Balado Sambal


1 whole chicken,cut into 8 pieces
1 tablespoon lime juice
1/2 tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon white pepper powder

ground spices blend:
12 cloves shallot
5 curly red chili peppers
3 red bird’s eye chili peppers
2 cm turmeric,toasted,
2 cm ginger
8 candlenuts, toasted

balado sambal ingredients:
3 lime leaves, midribs removed
1 red tomato, cut into pieces
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
100 ml cooking oilfor sautéing

coarsely ground spices blend:
5 large red chili peppers
6 curly red chili peppers
5 cloves shallot

Cooking Steps

1. Marinate chicken with lime juice. Let it set for 10 minutes. Wash it until clean.
2. Bring the mixture of water and ground spices blend to a boil.
3. Add chicken. Cook it until the spices blend is absorbed into the chicken and the sauce is thickened. Remove it from heat. Grill it until browned.
4. Balado Sambal: sauté coarsely ground spices blend and balado sambal ingredients. Stir until fragrant. Remove balado sambal from heat.
5. Coat grilled chicken with balado sambal. Serve it immediately.