Turmeric Grilled Chicken

Friday, 27 May 2016 | 16:51 WIB
Turmeric grilled chicken is one of the most favorable chicken dishes in many restaurants. however, we don’t have to go to a restaurant to have lunch or dinner with this menu since we can cook it at home. let’s cook it with our recipe!

Turmeric Grilled Chicken


1 whole free-range chickens,butterflied
2 salam (indonesian bay)leaves
2 lemongrass, crushed
500 ml coconut water
1/2 tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
2 tablespoons cooking oilfor sautéing

ground spices blend:
8 cloves shallots
2 cloves garlic
6 candlenuts, toasted
4 cm turmeric
2 cm galangal
2 cm ginger
1 teaspoon coriander seeds,toasted

Cooking Steps

1. Heat cooking oil on the pan. Sauté ground spices blend, salam leaves, and lemongrass until fragrant.
2. Add in chicken. Stir it until the color changes.
3. Pour in coconut water. Add salt and sugar. Cook it until the sauce is thick and absorbed into chicken. Remove it from heat.
4. Grill chicken over grilling pan until it is fragrant and browned. Turn it over occasionally to help the chicken cooked evenly. Remove it from heat.
5. Turmeric Grilled Chicken is ready to serve.