Beef Galantine

Tuesday, 31 May 2016 | 20:16 WIB
Beef galantine is suitable to serve during a party or when celebrating a special day of your family member. it will brighten your party up.

Beef Galantine


200 grams ground beef
100 grams minced chicken
3 crustless white breads
100 ml milk
75 grams sago starch
½ onion, finely chopped
1 tablespoon crispy shallot,ground
2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce
3 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon white pepper powder
½ teaspoon nutmeg powder
½ teaspoon sugar
30 grams cheddar cheese,grated
3 tablespoons margarinefor sautéing

sauce ingredients:
2 cloves garlic,finely chopped
½ onion, sliced lengthwise
1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce
4 tablespoons ketchup
1½ teaspoon sweet soy sauce
300 ml beef stock
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon white pepper powder
½ teaspoon nutmeg powder
½ teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoon corn starchdissolved in 2 teaspoon water for thickening
2 tablespoons margarinefor sautéing

side dishes:
200 grams mini potato,boiled, halved
200 grams carrot,cut into 5x1 cm sticks, boiled
100 grams string beans,cut into 5 cm sticks, boiled

Cooking Steps

  1. Galantine: soak bread in hot milk. Mash it. Let it stand for a while until cool. Mix it well with the rest of galantine ingredients. Stuff it into a plastic bag with 4 cm diameters. Steam it over medium heat for 35 minutes until it is firm and done.
  2. Heat margarine. Saute galantine until browned.
  3. Sauce: Heat margarine. Saute garlic and onion until fragrant. Add Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, tomato, and sweet soy sauce. Stir well. Pour in beef stock. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, and sugar. Cook until boiling. Thicken it with corn starch mixture. Stir until bubbling.
  4. Cut galantine into thick pieces. Serve it with its sauce and side dishes.
  5. Beef Galantine is ready to serve.