Chicken Roulade and Vegetables Tomato Soup

Friday, 3 June 2016 | 15:29 WIB
Chicken roulade cooked in vegetable tomato soup has beautiful color that it is almost too pretty to eat. however, it tastes so delicious that you can never resist it. let’s follow this recipe at home!

Chicken Roulade and Vegetables Tomato Soup


egg wrappers ingredients:
2 eggs
¼ teaspoon salt

roulade filling ingredients (mixed):
200 grams ground chicken
1 teaspoon salt
1¼ teaspoons sugar
125 ml water
1 egg
100 grams sago starch

soup ingredients:
4 red tomatoes
2 carrots, cut into 1x1x1 cm dice
200 grams green beans,chopped with 1 cm thickness
3 cloves shallot,finely chopped
100 grams ketchup
¾ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon nutmeg powder
1½ teaspoons sugar
500 ml water
500 ml chicken stock
2 tablespoons margarinefor sautéing

Cooking Steps

  1. Egg Wrappers: Mix well all ingredients. Cook thin wrappers using the egg mixture. Set aside.
  2. Take a wrapper. Spread roulade filling on it. Roll it into a tube with 3 cm diameters. Squeeze and firm it. Steam it over low heat for 30 minutes until well-cooked. Slice it with 1 cm thickness.
  3. Soup: Bring water to boil. Add tomato. Cook it for 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Discard its seeds and skin. Blend it along with its boiling liquid into smooth mixture.
  4. Heat margarine on the pan. Sauté shallot until fragrant. Add in carrot and green beans. Stir well.
  5. Add in blended tomato, ketchup, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and sugar. Stir well.
  6. Pour in chicken stock. Cook it until all ingredients are well-cooked. Add in roulade. Stir well. Remove from heat.
  7. Chicken Roulade and Vegetables Tomato Soup is ready to serve.