Grilled Chicken with Shrimp Chili Sauce

Thursday, 9 June 2016 | 16:19 WIB
Good terasi (shrimp paste) has delightful aroma and nice savory flavor. this is why high-qualified shrimp paste is regarded as a key ingredient for making many flavorful southeast asian dishes, especially indonesian. besides using terasi to make sambal or jakartanese vegetable soup, you can also use terasi to spice up this grilled chicken with shrimp chili sauce.

Grilled Chicken with Shrimp Chili Sauce


1 chicken, cut into 8 parts
2 cm galangal,crushed
3 lime leaves, midribs removed
1 lemongrass, crushed
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
300 ml water
2 tablespoons cooking oilfor sautéing

marinade ingredients:
1 teaspoon lime juice
½ teaspoon salt

ground spices blend:
2 teaspoon terasi (shrimp paste),fried
8 cloves shallot
4 cloves garlic
1 cm turmeric,toasted
½ teaspoon coriander seeds
3 candlenuts, toasted
¼ teaspoon white peppercorn

Cooking Steps

1. Marinate chicken in the marinade ingredients. Let it set for 20 minutes.
2. Heat cooking oil on the pan. Sauté ground spices blend, galangal, lime leaves, and lemongrass until fragrant. Add in chicken. Stir it until it changes color.
3. Add salt, sugar, and water. Cook it until the liquid is dried and the spices blend is infused to the chicken.
4. Fry chicken over medium heat until well-done and golden brown.
5. Grilled Chicken with Shrimp Chili Sauce is ready to serve.