Turmeric Clear Soup

Monday, 13 June 2016 | 11:26 WIB
Our dining table has to be a delightful and happy place; cooking a boring meal is a no no. that's why we have to try unique variations for our dishes including clear soup. the following turmeric clear soup recipe is the exceptional dish for you to try today.

Turmeric Clear Soup


400 grams chayote squash,cut into 2cm cubes
100 grams corn kernels
100 grams beef tetelan(meat, fat, and tendon scraped from beef bone)
1 cm galangal,crushed
2¾ teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon white pepper powder
3/4 teaspoon sugar
1,500 ml water
2 tablespoons cooking oilfor sautéing

ground spices blend:
3 cloves garlic
5 cloves shallot
2 cm turmeric,toasted
3 candlenuts, toasted

Cooking Steps

1. Heat cooking oil on the pan. Sauté ground spices blend and galangal until fragrant.
2. Add beef. Stir it until it changes color.
3. Add chayote squash and corn kernels. Stir it until softened.
4. Add salt, pepper, and sugar. Stir well. Pour in water. Cook it until all ingredients are well done.
5. Turmeric Clear Soup is ready to serve.