Green Chili Beef Lungs Jerky

Wednesday, 29 June 2016 | 14:55 WIB
If you like spicy dishes, you will like this green chili beef lungs jerky. it tastes hot, tender, and so delicious!

Green Chili Beef Lungs Jerky


500 grams beef lungs
3 salam (indonesian bay)leaves
500 ml water
cooking oi for frying

ground spices blend
4 cloves garlic
2 teaspoons coriander seeds
¼ teaspoon white peppercorn
2 cm ginger
3 candlenuts
1 teaspoon salt

green chili sauce:
4 large green chili peppers,finely sliced
4 curly green chili peppers,finely sliced
2 green tomatoes,finely sliced
5 cloves shallot,finely sliced
2 cloves garlic,finely sliced
2 tablespoons cooking oil
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon lime juice

Cooking Steps

1. Bring water to boil. Add beef lungs, salam leaves, and ground spices blend. Cook it until boiling. Remove from heat.
2. Slice beef lungs thinly. Boil it again until the liquid is reduced and absorbed into the lungs.
3. Fry beef lungs until it is well done and browned.
4. Heat cooking oil on the pan. Sauté all sliced ingredients until fragrant.
5. Add salt, sugar, and lime juice.
6. Add in beef lungs. Stir well. Remove from heat.
7. Green Chili Beef Lungs Jerky is ready to serve.