Say Cheese! Kraft Held The Biggest Cheese Festival Ever in Bandung

Thursday, 12 September 2019 | 18:09 WIB
  • Festival Kuliner KRAFT, Sukses Manjakan Masyarakat Kota Bandung dengan Ragam Olahan Keju Menarik
    Festival Kuliner KRAFT, Sukses Manjakan Masyarakat Kota Bandung dengan Ragam Olahan Keju Menarik

    “We hope the title can inspire Indonesia’s food vendors to innovate and develop their business so that they can give positive impact in economic development of our country,” said Sachin.

    Besides cheese-based food hunting, celebrities also participated in food competition and talkshow with food blogger.

    Rendy Pradugo, Indonesia’s singer-songwriter, entertained attendances with his performance, stealing a moment or two to say "Cheeeeeese!" with the festival goers.

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    David Togatorop


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