What To Eat in Bali, 6 Easy Tricks to Improve Homemade Sambal Matah

Thursday, 29 August 2019 | 14:24 WIB
  • Sambal matah Bali.
    Sambal matah Bali.

    It also does not contain much water, unlike a big red chili, and yet it tastes spicy.

    Meanwhile, you can use red cayenne because it tastes spicy, more spicy than red chili.

    To overcome the hot taste being – well ‘overhot’ - you can choose a young chili because the older ones tend to be stronger.

    3. Onward with the onions

    Besides chili, the main ingredient of sambal matah is raw onions.

    However, if you ask me, raw onions tend to have a very strong scent.

    And to get rid of it, first slice it as desired. After that, rinse the sliced onions with cold water.

    Cold water will instantly eliminate sulfur gas which causes unpleasant odor so that the shallots will taste good when eaten.

    It will still be crispy enough without that strong unpleasant smell.

    3. Lemongrass

    Usually when using lemongrass in a variety of foods, you only take the bottom part so it does not cause any hassle in stirring or overcrowding the pot when cooking.

    However, you should not throw away the long stems because the stems are fragrant and the texture is the most suitable for making sambal.

    David Togatorop
    David Togatorop


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